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2010江西高考英语试题及答案第 4 页 >>中学英语>>英..._外语爱好者
来自 : www.ryedu.net/syy/zxyy/201006/ 发布时间:2021-03-25


Head of Research
Satary: 55.27
We a looking for a Head of Research to manage the CWU research Depart and informating Certre. You would be required to excrcise conrol of all researchers work of the depertend and manage a team of three researchers and uppor aff.
The person appointed would be expected to carry out research work of a strategic nature across the range of businesses in which the CWU has or seeks membership and to contribute to the strategic thinking and direction of the union as a whole.
You will need: proven line management skills, especially in managing and motivating a team; good research skills, holding a good degree in a related subject or other similar experience; a high level of mathematical and calculating skills; the ability to produce high quality work under pressure; a commitment to and knowledge of the trade union movement and social demomic politics; and knowledge and/or experience of the ostal and/or l wlecinmuy auions adnstry.
To apply ase request an application pack by emailing her cur org or by telephoning HR (Hwian Resources ) on 020 8970 7482. When applying plense stay your source.
Closing Date for Applications:4th August 2010
Anticipated interview date:17th August 2010
No agencies please

60.In which column of a newspaper could we find this advertisement?
61.One of the duties of the person to be appointed is .
A.taking eharge of research
B.seeking pen ersh lot the union
C.mannaging a of or four members
D.runing a company
62.If you apply for this position, you ean do all EXCEPT
A.ask an agency for an application form
B.dial 020 8971 7482 for more information
C.email hr@ org for an applieation pack
D.send in your applieation before 4 Auguse 2010-6-9
63.Which of the following applieans is most likely to be employed?
A.A school teacher with a master’s degree.
B.A university graduate in computer science.
C.A director from a with a master’s degree.
D.A eler company
Kong Zi called Confucius(551-479 B.C.).and Soerates(469 B.C.)lived only a hundred years apart,and during their lifetimes there was no contact between China and Greece, but it is interesting on look at how the world that each of there great philosophers came from shaped their ideas, and how these in turn, shaped their societies.
Neither philosopher lived in times of peace,though there were more wars in Greece than in China. The Chinese states were very large and feudal,while the Greek city-states were small and urban. The urban environment in which Socrates lived allowed him to be more radical(激进的)than Confucius.Unlike Confucius,Soeraes was not asked by rulers how to goversn offectively.Thus Soerates was able to be more idealistic, foeusing on issues like freedom and knowledge for its own sake, on the other hand,advised those in gowernnent and many of his students went ment
Conful suggested Rule as a principle for the corduet of “Lo not others what you would not want to you.”He assumed that all men were equal at some potential than others, are that it was knowledge that set men apart.Socraes focusesd on individual, and thought that the greatest purpose of man was to seek wisdom.He believed that some had more potential a develop their reason than others did.Like Confucius, he believed that the superior class should rule the inferior(下层的)classes.
For Socrates,the family was of no importance,and the community of little concerm.For Confucius, however, the family was the centre of society, with family relations considered much more important than political relations.
Both men are respected much more today than they were in their lifetimes.
64.Which of the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph?
A.Socrates and Confucius and much in common.
B.Confuius had a influres on Socrates ideas.
C.The were by the philosophers ideas.
D. exchanges between China a Greece.
65.Socat snared wih Confucius the idea the .
A.all men were equal when they were born
B.the lowr classes should be ruled gby the upper class
C.the purpose of man was to seek freedom and wisdom
D.people should not ask others to do what they did not want to
66.What made some people different from others according to Confucius?
67.This passage is organized in the pattem of .
A.time and events
B.comparison and con ast
C.cause aat
D.defignton and rlwomiration



本文链接: http://firstsourceworldwi.immuno-online.com/view-763360.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)